Identity Verification - A requirement protecting your consumer information

To protect you and your private data, TransUnion® must first make certain that it is being released to you. To do this, you must first verify your identity. This is easily done online as part of your report generation process and usually takes a moment to complete.

Once you have completed your identity verification, reports are generated, payment can be provided, and your reports are placed in your secure account. If you had authorized your reports to be shared with any other recipients, reports will be placed in their accounts as well. (You can always choose to unshare by revoking any access that had been previously granted to other recipients)

Trouble Shooting ID Verification

If you fail to verify your identity online, this may be due to having insufficient information on file with TransUnion®
- or -
Entering the wrong information when setting up your SoftScreen® account.

Wrong Info

Examples of common mistakes include typos to your date of birth or entering an inaccurate social security number. If, when registering your SoftScreen® account, the wrong basic information is entered, it can be corrected at any time before submission to TransUnion®. The opportunity to correct all information is presented on your screen before submission. Wrong information MUST be corrected! Once information is submitted to TransUnion®, changes cannot be made! In the event this occurs, ID verification will most likely fail.

How to correct wrong info AFTER submission to TransUnion®

Please contact us for assistance. We must delete your account, along with all the information it contains. This will enable you to re-register, starting over, and providing accurate information.

Verification via "The Quiz"

When you are ready to generate reports, you will provide your social security number directly to TransUnion® via a secure, private, encrypted interface. (SoftScreen® does NOT see, receive, or have access to your social security number). TransUnion® receives this information and returns several multiple-choice questions based on known information associated with the social security number. These multiple-choice questions are called “The Quiz” and can be answered on screen. Only the person who owns that social security number will have the ability to answer these questions correctly. Several opportunities are available to provide correct answers. Once this takes place, report generation can occur. 

Failed Quiz

If your quiz cannot be successfully completed after several attempts, a call to TransUnion's® toll-free customer support line is required for verbal verification. The needed TransUnion® contact information will be presented on screen. Once verbal verification occurs, report generation can take place. Just pick up where you left off.

No Quiz

If an applicant does not have any or enough information in their existing TransUnion® file, the on-screen quiz cannot be generated. If this happens, a call to TransUnion's® toll-free customer support line is required for verbal verification. The needed TransUnion® contact information will be presented on screen. Once verbal verification occurs, report generation can take place. Just pick up where you left off.

Failed Verbal Verification

If verbal verification cannot be performed successfully, Tenants can participate in "Offline Verification.” Offline verification requires two of the following documents to be scanned and emailed to TransUnion's® dedicated offline department:

A Driver’s License -OR- Passport Photo Page (Not necessarily U.S.)

A Bank Statement or Utility Bill from the last 60 days -OR- a welcome letter from a bank.

Once received by TransUnion's® Offline Verification department, ID verification typically takes place within 2 to 48 hours. TransUnion® marks the applicant as verified within SoftScreen® and sends an email directly to the applicant, letting them know their ID verification has been established. Tenants can then sign back into their SoftScreen® account to pick up where they left off, able to complete their order, generate reports, and provide payment.