I have their reports but have not received the rental application or documents. Why?

This is because the applicant has not filled out their rental application and submitted it. They have not uploaded any of the documents that may have been requested. As soon as they do, you will receive them.

If the applicant is applying to rent and has shared their reports with you, they have also received their rental application and document share. Everything is included as part of one complete package.

Immediately upon sharing reports, applicants are placed on the rental application page. In addition, we also send an email confirmation letting them know reports have been shared with you and for the specific address they are applying to rent. This email includes a reminder to complete their rental application and, if applicable, to upload any documents that may have been specified.

How to remedy the situation

Reach out to the applicant or their representing agent to let them know what is expected. Please keep in mind applicants may assume that sharing reports is all that’s needed when applying for rent. They may not discern the difference between sharing reports and providing a completed rental application, even though we have made every effort to explain, inform, and remind.

You will receive an email notification any time a completed rental application is submitted.